Investing Money For Beginners: How To Get Started Today!

Investing your money can be challenging, especially if you're new to the game. However, the earlier you start investing, the more time your money has to grow and the more likely you'll reach your...

5 Best Tips: How to Run a Business Debt-Free

The answer to whether you need debt to start and run a small business is false, but many business owners struggle to believe that there are other ways to run things. It’s a fact that...

4 Steps: How to Budget After Losing a Job

Losing a job can be an emotionally and financially challenging experience and how to budget after losing a job may not be at the top of your mind. I understand how tough and frightening...

21 Side Hustle Ideas in 2024

If you're just looking for a way to add more money to your savings, earn a living, or just earn extra cash to cushion your budget, then side hustles are the perfect way to...

iPesa loan app: What you should know

If you're in need of quick and convenient access to credit in Kenya, the iPesa loan app might be the solution you're looking for. This mobile-based platform allows individuals to borrow money in as...

LendPlus Loan App: What You Should Know

LendPlus is the perfect solution for those who need access to relatively high loan amounts in a hurry. It's a user-friendly mobile loan application that allows you to apply for money quickly and conveniently,...

8 Steps To Become Financially Stable

We all know of someone who never appear to be concerned about money and they often have spare cash for the things they want, or even more remarkably, enough funds available to pay their...

10 Low-Cost Small Business Ideas for 2024

2020 was challenging but also showed how resilient small businesses could be. Entrepreneurs around the world were quick to adapt and found ways to survive as well as thrive. In 2021 and beyond, the...